The Maker series book post 2
These two words come easy to some, and how amazing that must feel.
Swimming in a world of words, easily connecting them and spelling them all, every curser correctly placed and apostrophe perfectly positioned before the right s and t. I don't feel like I am swimming in an endless world of words, I feel like the words are endlessly swimming and I need quite a robust fishing line and rod to hook them line and sinker.
I learned by repeating the sounds I heard but not by understanding the why, the how and the correctness of it all. The same in fact with maths. I learned 1000 multiplications but never understood how the answers were made. This always made me feel like a fraud.. The girl who can repeat but has nothing else behind her scripted answers.
But now at the age of 35, I have woven a rather fine fishing net, it wasn't a rod I needed all along but something different, something to tackle how my mind works and now I cast the net and gather words without harming them as a rod and hook once did. And even though I still do not fully grasp the why and how I realise my brain was made for different things, for dreaming and listening and more dreaming. Words do not come easy, however, if I am patient the words do come and I write them down. So maybe one day if I keep reading and writing I won't even need a net.