Keep up to date with our projects and news as well as extra insights into how artists and craftspeople make a living through their passion.
If you would like to contribute to our Artist and Craft Insight blog posts you can get in contact on via our contact page.
The Midas Touch Project
When The Radcliffe Trust announced funding opportunities for heritage projects, it felt like the perfect chance to further promote the art of oil and water gilding. We successfully secured funding to run our first workshop, specifically for former students of Rowden Atelier Woodworking School.
Animals and Creativity
Puppy and kitten alert! I love including Maker's pets in their films and photos. In fact, it is my firm belief that animals play an important part in boosting, supporting and balancing our creativity.
Illness and creativity post 1
Some behind-the-scenes photos of me in summer of 2019 filming Felted Sheepskins. I had had a health relapse in 2018 and at the time of these photos, I was on a high dose of steroids.
Passion Project Advice
Hands up anyone who is working on a passion project alongside work, life and that all-important downtime. I am bringing this up as it can sometimes feel like our passion projects are set up to fail. Never having space in our diary, grabbing the odd snippet of time to work on it and then also forgetting to work on it for maybe weeks, months or sometimes years! Other life events happen, and more pressing tasks and work take their place. And then sometimes we just don't feel in the mood to work on it.
Over years of actively pursuing passion projects, I have realised certain things.
The Maker series book post 2
These two words come easy to some, and how amazing that must feel.
Swimming in a world of words, easily connecting them and spelling them all, every curser correctly placed and apostrophe perfectly positioned before the right s and t. I don't feel like I am swimming in an endless world of words, I feel like the words are endlessly swimming and I need quite a robust fishing line and rod to hook them line and sinker.
6 years ago
A throwback to 2017 when Little Silver Photography photographed me for my promotional photos. 6 years ago this month. I think it is good to look back sometimes, not to linger or obsess about the past but to take account of what has been since. From achievements to challenges and to spending another year on this beautifully complicated, yet perfectly formed planet. Who knows why we are served the challenges we face, many can philosophise about why, but does it matter?
The Maker Series Book Post 1
Reading and writing have never come easy.
It started with my patient mother trying to teach me to read, then struggling in primary & secondary school, & finally having my difficulty recognised in college & being tested, only to be told that my brain had figured out how to overcome my dyslexic traits & therefore no support was needed. Which made me impressed with my brain, but, left me feeling lost and that I was just plain stupid. To this day my brain doesn't see what others can. I fear grammar, spelling, and getting it wrong.
So why on earth am I writing a book?
Jo Blake – Author and Illustrator
A written blog from Jo Blake - Author and illustrator talks about her creative business and how she makes a living through her passion.
Auction for Ukraine
A quick blog giving an update on our Ukraine Raffle that happened in December 2022
In a New Light - Heritage Craft Project
A blog post about our project In a New Light, which looks at how heritage craft can be evolved and taught to contemporary arts and craftspeople to better secure the future of the craft.
Good Afternoon talks at Burton at Bideford
In 2021 The Maker Series held 11 talks from local artists and makers at The Burton at Bideford Art Gallery.
Vlog 3 – Project Update!
In our 3rd Vlog, Jess shares updates and future plans of our project as we reach the half way point!
Vlog 2 – Setting up!
In our 2nd Vlog, Jess explains her experience of setting up podcast and Masterclasses Project.
Vlog 1 – The Arts Council Experience!
In our first Vlog, Jess explains her experience of going through The Arts Council process and being awarded funding. She includes tips and advice for other makers and Artists looking to apply.
Art for Covid Heroes
From October 2020 to January 2021 we had 9 Art and local produce giveaways, awarded 32 prizes and promoted 14 different creatives and local businesses!
BBC Spotlight Feature
After watching Hester Berry’s Makers in Isolation film, Jen Smith, a reporter for BBC Spotlight, featured Hester in a news story, highlighting women makers in lockdown. See the shortened version below!
Makers in Isolation
During this incredibly difficult time for all, Makers continue to adapt and invent new ways of continuing their craft through adversity. This little series is helping to document how Makers are adapting and also asks them how they see themselves continuing their work after Covid-19.
Filming Rosie
It was an absolute pleasure filming Rosie Anderson creating a beautiful felted sheepskin. I have known Rosie for several years since we met through Louise Middleton, Golden Bear Belts, but this was the first time I had visited her amazing smallholding and hung out with her and her family.
Felted Sheepskin Feature
We love promoting Makers and are extremely happy that we helped Felted Sheepskins get a feature in Devon Life’s April Edition! A big thank you to Devon Life for giving The Maker Series a mention.
Becoming An Empowered CIC
Looking down the barrel of a lens can bring on similar feelings to when you face something of uncertainty, second-guessing, feeling disempowered and out of control due to putting yourself in the hands of someone else’s control.